The popularity of ebooks has continued to grow among readers across the world. Though print book sales are still selling, ebook buying has also grown especially after the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 which led to many activities including book buying being restricted to online sources, following lockdown rules. It is now profitable to create and sell books online as a way of gaining readers, fans and followers in an ever-increasing digital landscape. Ebooks cover interesting topics and explore ideas in-depth, but they require a level of expertise not everyone can have.
What is an ebook?
This is the short for electronic book. An ebook is a book publication produced in digital form, which consist of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. It is a digital file containing texts, images and sometimes, videos, made available to users in electronic form and displayed on-screen just like hard copies of books.
Why Creation Of Ebooks Has Become Popular
There is a rise in creation of Ebooks in recent years and this does not show any signs of stopping. This is basically because eBook is available to download and read right away keeping it fresh in the minds of readers instead of waiting for the physical edition to be released. Users save time which they would have used to visit the bookstore to buy books. Unlike paperbacks, eBooks allow you to search the exact text or content, facilitates you with the ease to read your favorite books on the go and even make them exciting to read with add-ons like hyperlinks, audio, and visuals.
Another advantage of ebook is that the cost of writing, editing, publishing, distributing, and marketing such books is low when compared to printed books. Readers do not have to so much money and years dealing with publishers, publicists, editors, and media and distribution houses.
Again, ebooks provide a handy way of carrying hundreds of titles in your pocket, which is useful especially when you are traveling. Ebooks also provide users with the ability to easily highlight text, look up for words via an inbuilt dictionary and internet, buy ebooks in seconds as compared to driving to a book store, and the sheer convenience of the whole reading experience. This has led to the massive growth of e-readers and the downfall of their physical counterparts.
Ten Best Ebook Software
There are several software out there for creating ebooks. These software and tools make it easy to create a full-fledged ebook. A few of them standout as the best you can use to create a good ebook. Here are ten best ebook software available for authors.
1. Bit.ai
This is one of the best ebook software in the market. Bit is a cloud-based document editor that helps anyone create, manage, share, and track their ebook with ease. Bit documents help users share documents like ebooks in formats that are interesting to read. Wth Bit, users can add rich media like YouTube videos, Google Docs, One Drive, Excel Spreadsheets, SlideShares, etc. Basically, anything on the internet with a link can be shared and Bit will automatically turn it into visual content. This software makes it possible for you to add code blocks, math equations, add files that can be downloaded by your audience, GIFs, and more of such interesting contents.
2. Scrivener
Scrivener has features that make it a very good tool for ebook creation. This is a writing tool used by novelists, students, academics, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, journalists, lawyers, translators, and people in diverse walks of life. Scrivener is a fine tool to create anything from ebooks to screenplays. Scrivener is a tool for long-writing projects and is used to structure content to tell a coherent story. It allows users to jump right in and start writing their characters, outline, and create their manuscripts organically while leaving the structure to Scrivener. This is one software you should try when you want to publish your first ebook.
3. Microsoft Word Online
Another very good ebook creation tool on our list is Microsoft Word Online. This iis an easy to use ebook creation software. Microsoft has also introduced a web version of Word called Microsoft Word Online, aimed at competing with products like Google Docs. With Word Online, you can create your documents and ebooks in the cloud without having to worry about storing it securely in your PC and can even collaborate with fellow writers and editors to get work done more effectively. Writers enjoy using Miicrosoooft Word Online particularly due to its user-friendly features.
4. Zoho Writer
ZohoWriter is another top ebook creation software many writers are using. It is a writing tool by the Office competitor Zoho. This software offers an easy approach to writing. It provides users a blank page to start with the writing process without hiccups. Anyone who has used Microsoft Word in the past can easily import and work with existing MS Word documents, keeping the style, format, and flow intact. Zoho writer also allows real-time collaboration with peers, making the tiresome process of creating and editing an ebook, a lot easier. This software has features that make writers enjoy the writing task.
5. Calibre
Calibre is another very popular ebook creator and management tool with a lot of great features. Apart from providing users a bunch of tools to create an ebook, Calibre can also be used to edit existing ebooks, magazines, comics, newspapers, and much more. This is a complete ebook solution that lets users add new ebooks to the platform, edit metadata of those books, convert books into multiple output formats, and even get new books from the internet directly into Calibre.
It is easy to use. Once you click the “add ebook” button, you can add ebooks in multiple formats including PDF, HTML, EPUB, MOBI, DOCX, PML, CBZ, AZW3, and more. If you want to convert those ebooks, you can click on the “convert ebook” button which presents you with a lot of options along with converting the ebook into DOCX, HTMLZ, AZW3OBI, ZIP, TXT, PDF and other formats. This makes ebook creation easy.
6. Mobipocket
Mobipocket provides an all-round performance for free. This software offers an extremely user friendly interface which is easy to comprehend too. The program allows users to either bring in already written matter or create an eBook anew. It acknowledges DOCX, PDF, TXT and HTM as input file formats. Using this software is easy. After you have imported all the existing content you can then add content tables, cover photos, meta-description etc. to your eBook. You can also modify the meta-description section by adding author bio, illustration, a title for the eBook, date of publishing, publisher name and more. You can try out Mobipocket for your next o first ebook.
7. Sigil eBook
Sigil is another very good ebook creator for both beginners and experts. It is a good free eBook creator software that helps users create their own eBook effortlessly and without taking much time. Sigil also offers code view along with the regular view and WYSIWYG to fit other skill levels. This software has a wide range of useful features such as spell checking, content table creator and book browser. A lot of writers make use of this software due to its user-friendly features. It also allows user add visuals, audios or photos in a digital book, and modify words with the help of hyperlinks, tables, superscripts, lists, etc. Sigil is used by writers in diverse fields.
8. EPUBee Maker
EPUBee is another very simple and effective eBook creator software. This program is an add-in for the Microsoft Word which you can see as the “ePUBee Maker” option on your MS Word toolbar post the installation. You can convert your ebook document into PDF and ePUB extensions after it on the MS Word. You need to click on the option on the toolbar “ePUBee Maker” after you have completed the text file and your eBook is ready for print. The next thing you see is Quick Publish, Publish and Save PDF options for publishing. This is really writing made easy, and you enjoy the task using this software.
9. Exe-eBook Creator
Exe-ebook is used to create very good eBooks in no time and it is free. This is a very small software that occupies PC space of only 1.8MB and works with Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Linux (32& 64 bit architecture). Exe-eBook Creator that is offered by Treepad is available for download and use absolutely free of cost and can be utilized to create executable files of the TreePad Docs that run on their own. You can use this for your first ebook.
Exe-ebook creator works with all TreePad versions which have features that help users to compile documents of HJT & TPD extensions and also share files, photos, hyperlinks and symbols as a lone EXE doc. The program offers a simple interface that does not offer much functionality. This software is easy to use.
10. SCRIBA eBook Maker
Another very popular ebook creator is SCRIBA eBook Maker. This is a software that helps users create eBooks in PDF, ePUB or zip extensions with the help of contents that already present in other extensions like, PDF, HTML, etc. This can be performed both on the file systems and online. SCRIBA is a JAVA based software that consists of a command line interface. This tools also functions like a “Plugin” which means it can be utilized to pre-develop content before they are added to the eBook. Using SCRIBA is just simple. All you need do is assemble a labeled XML document that consists of indications/URLs to the write-up of the eBook under creation. This way you easily compile your ebook and publish.
The popularity of ebooks has made this form of writing a sure way of getting your ideas out there for numerous readers to have access to. To create your own ebook you have to do the research, formulate your ideas, design a structure, write, design, and market it effectively to get the most out of your hard work. Writing the book is just one aspect of the work, you also need to put in some effort in distributing the book too. With these tools discussed here you can easily create your own ebook and become a popular author with good content.
(Source: massmediang.com)