• Fundamentals Of Critical Writing And Reviewing – Second Edition


    Fundamentals of Critical Writing and Reviewing is a two-part book that discusses in eleven chapters the rudiments of critical reviewing of various kinds of creative works. The first part, Basics of Critical Review, is an introductory excursion which provides (in four chapters) primary information on the concepts, functions, features, process, and structure of critical writing and reviewing. The first chapter provides concise explanation of the key concepts – critical, review, and critical review – including the functions and characteristics of critical reviewing, including a quick guide to critical reviewing. The second chapter discusses the specific steps that comprise the process of critical reviewing while the third and fourth chapters discuss the structure of a critical review and approaches to critical review writing,
    in that order.


    Author – Chinenye Nwabueze
    Year of Publication – 2022
    Publisher – TopShelve Publishers
    Number of Pages – 185
    ISBN – 978-2579-33-13
    File Size – 2.31 MB

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  • Magazine & Newspaper Management and Production

    Magazine and Newspaper Management and Production
    is a text that explores and explains basic
    techniques in newspaper and magazine publishing and looks at the
    management and production aspects, providing details of pre-press,
    press and post-press activities. The book has nine chapters
    each of which treats a unique topic with a fresh insight on the
    newspaper and magazine business. This third edition provides an
    update to some concepts and issues discussed in the first two editions.
    It explains the fusion between the social media and magazine
    management and production.
    This book is essential for students, practicing journalists
    managerial staff in the print media, including journalism and
    mass communication scholars who wish to keep in touch with
    modern trends in print media management and production.

    Product Details:

    Author: Chinenye Nwabueze

    Year of Publication: 2022 Third edition

    Number of Pages: 156

    File Size: 3.06 MB

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  • Essentials of Editorial Writing

    Editorial writing is an important task in journalism. This is because
    a newspaper’s opinion on topical issues should be expressed
    meaningfully and persuasively. Newspapers play advocacy role
    through the editorial. They fight battles for the public, set agenda
    and carve out an image for themselves through discourses featured
    in the editorial. This is why writing the editorial is serious business.
    It requires knowledge of basic approaches and skills which
    facilitate presentation of persuasive opinions meaningfully. Poorly
    written editorial could negatively affect the corporate image of a

    • USD: $0.47

    Essentials of Editorial Writing

    • USD: $0.47
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  • Anatomy of Brown Envelope Syndrome – Nigerian Press Perspective

    This book x-rays the brown envelope syndrome in Nigeria with a view to finding out the genesis of the trend, what has made the practice endemic in the Nigerian media sector and how it has affected the image of the profession in the country. It is an anatomy of the brown envelope syndrome in Nigeria, which takes a close look at the perceived deceptive power of the syndrome, its negative effects on stakeholders in the media industry and possible solutions to the problem. It is written from the point of view of an ex-journalist who had first-hand experience of the brown envelope syndrome and has seen possible practical approaches to curbing the trend if sincerely and effectively implemented.

    Author: Chinenye Nwabueze

    Year of Publication: 2020

    Publisher: TopShelve Publishers

    Number of Pages: 265

    ISBN: 978-97-54047-8-4

    File Size: 1.61 MB


    • USD: $0.60
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  • Reporting – Principles, Approaches & Special Beats

    The process of reporting takes considerable skill, creativity, and tenacity.
    Acquiring information required to write stories for the mass media involves
    a great deal of thought, preparation, planning and execution of task
    objectives. A reporter needs to understand the environment within which he
    operates, the nature of information he is to go after, how and where to get
    such information. An understanding of the various kinds of sources, beats,
    forms of journalistic writing and perspectives on legal and ethical issues in
    journalism, is germane.
    This book, Reporting: Principles, Approaches, Special Beats,
    provides detailed insight on the basics of reporting. It is a thorough
    groundwork which exposes reporters to emerging trends in journalism
    practice. The author’s treatment of the various topics using vivid and
    relevant examples makes for easy comprehension of the content and apt
    placement of explanations in proper context.

    Product Details:

    Author: Chinenye Nwabueze

    Year of Publication: 2015

    Publisher: TopShelve Publishers

    Number of Pages: 436

    ISBN: 978 – 219 – 676 – 2

    File Size: 10.3 MB

    • USD: $1.67
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