Top 15 best freelance book cover designers
The fact that you are told “You Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover” means that this is a very common way of judging books and you can’t change this at all. A book’s cover design relays an important first time impression to the reader about what to expect from the book. So you need a well-designed cover to communicate to the reader that the author and publisher care enough about the book that they invested in a beautiful and inspiring cover. The creative cover also acts as a signal for the book’s intended audience, getting the book into those readers’ hands.
One way to get a very creative book cover is through freelancers. There are a lot of freelance book cover designers out there who would make your book’s cover stand out on the shelf or among the search results on an e-reader’s screen. Top book cover designers create covers that hook readers, just like strong narrative hooks pull them into stories. Here is a list of top freelance book cover designers that can give you impressive jobs to sell your book.
1. Jeff Purnawan
2. Suxzero
3. Bandrei
4. Piere d’Arterie
5. iqzir08
6. IsaDesignNet
7. licarto
8. VectorArtist
9. WGOULART (wesley)
10. Evangelina
11. ValentinaG
12. Bovan
13. angelleigh
14. AnointingProductions
15. Katie MJ