5 Top Read aloud apps and websites for kids
Reading to your child on a daily basis from an early age is very beneficial. Apart from awaking and fostering your child’s imagination this also creates a fantastic bonding experience with the kid. Do you know there are apps that can read aloud to your kids? These apps and websites help in contributing to forming a rich vocabulary for your kids. They also help in developing the child’s pre-reading skills. Here’s a list of read aloud apps and websites that can help you with the task of reading books aloud to your kids.
Epic! is one of the top read-aloud apps you can rely on. This is a children’s books digital library that could be described as ‘Netflix of books for kids’. They have 40K+ book titles for kids between 2 and 12 years old. Epic! has books for all sorts of tastes and your kids will find their favourite kinds of books here. The titles available are really easy to find, and you get very relevant suggestions based on your preferences. You have very interesting read-aloud and read-to-me books your kids will love reading available on this app.
Amazon Kids+
Amazon Kids+ is an all-in-one subscription that offers children access to thousands of age-appropriate entertainment and educational content. This app also makes it possible for parents to set parental controls. The Amazon Kids+ subscription offers books, movies, and TV shows for your kids aged 3 – 12 years. The books, videos, apps, audiobooks, and educational materials are sorted-out by three age groups: 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. The parental control allows you set time limits, set objectives and age filters and much more. You can make this app available for reading great books to your kids.
Dr Seuss Deluxe Book App
This is an app for children that love Dr Seuss’s books. The books have funny stories and illustrations, and the silly made-up-words that make kids laugh. The rhymes improve children’s phonological awareness skills and stimulate his/her creativity. The Dr Seuss Deluxe Book app contains the 17 most popular Dr Seuss books. One of the great things users enjoy on this app is that the stories are animated and this adds a lot of fun and play to the experience of reading the books. The read-to-me books on this app also highlight each word that is being read. Also, when you tap on any of the words (or pictures) in the stories, the system will say them back to you. The app includes little extra activities, like matching letters activities or tap on the right letter activities. Kids have exciting experience on this app by getting stars and rewards along the way as they listen to the stories and discover hidden surprises. Just try this app and you’ll confirm it is really good for kids. You can get the app for free on the app store but you only get one story. If you need additional stories you can purchase at the stipulated price.
Storyplace is a perfect place for children to discover favourite authors and illustrators and explore their interests and hobbies. This is a pre-school library with lots of books and activities for your pre-school child. On this app the activities are categorized by theme: colors, shapes, firefighters, teddy bears, making it an exciting experience for kids. Once you select your theme, the first thing that your child will listen to is a cute and educational read-aloud story. The Story Place shares great selection of books for children from 0 – 8 years, and offers families a look at the original artworks, sing a song, play a rhyming game or spin their own story starter. What a nice place to make your kids happy.
Storyline online
Storyline Online is one of the biggest children’s literacy websites you can get today. This award-winning website was developed by the SAG-AFTRA Foundation and offers a vast collection of videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. This website has a primary function of encouraging a lifelong love of reading, improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking, concentration, and general academic aptitude. To show how popular this website is in children’s education it is frequently used by teachers in their classrooms, and doctors and nurses play Storyline Online in children’s hospitals. The website is available 24 hours a day for children, parents, caregivers and educators worldwide. This is one of the websites you should introduce your kids to.