Deception In Today’s Church


  • USD: $0.66

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Christianity is not the religion of those who worship in churches.
It is a relationship with God secured through the door of an
encounter with Jesus Christ who died for all men. 

Remarks: Many people think they are Christians just because they
worship in churches, especially on Sundays; or because they bear
Christian names, or because they had water sprinkled on their head
as infants in an event many in error call baptism. Others think they
are Christians because their parents are, or because they can hear
God or see visions. Some think they are Christians because they
give to God’s work, or were ordained or given one title or the other
in church. Not one of these acts makes one a Christian.
Believers were first called Christians in Antioch because they acted
like Christ (Acts 11:26). So you can’t be a Christian unless you act
like Christ. And no one can ever grow genuine character of Christ
who is not born again through an encounter in which one repents of
one’s sin and receives Christ as one’s Saviour. When Nicodemus
needed this encounter, he went to Jesus by night. He set out
praising Him for being a man who came from God. He said no man
could do the miracles Jesus did except God was with Him. He was a
great religious leader in Israel, probably in the mould of our Bishops
of today, but he didn’t know the God he worshipped. So Jesus
looked beyond his words and saw the void eating away his spirit and
said to him, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
I am sure the answer Jesus gave startled him. It touched the sore side
of his spiritual void. He must have felt there was no need pretending
before a Man who knew his heart. So he didn’t say, “You’re
Christianity is not the religion of those who worship in churches.
It is a relationship with God secured through the door of an
encounter with Jesus Christ who died for all men.

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Who are you to judge another man’s servant, Romans 14:4, based
on context, tells us not to judge believers by what they eat. But on
the issue of sin, 1 Corinthians 5:12 tells us to judge believers. 

Remarks: “Who are you to judge another man’s servant” is one of
the immunity clauses pastors use today. Whenever someone raises
the issue of sin or accountability against them, they will quote it.
More tragic is the fact that non-pastors also use it to defend them.
This is wrong! Do they also have immunity to penalties of sin? In
the Body of Christ, no one enjoys immunity. We are all prone to the
same penalties of sin. No one is also above scrutiny or
accountability. We all should be accountable to one another.
When you view Romans Chapter 4 in context, you will see that in
verses 1 and 2, Paul was tackling the issue of people who have strong
faith and believe they can eat any kind of food, and people who have
weak faith and believe they can eat only certain foods. Paul felt such
issue was a petty matter of piety that should not bring division in the
church. So in his judgement passed in verses 3 and 4 (NLT), he said:
“[3] Those who feel free to eat anything must not look down on
those who don’t. And those who don’t eat certain foods must not
condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. [4] Who are
you to condemn someone else’s servant?” In the KJV, verse 4 reads:
“Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant?”
So this verse is not an immunity clause against a pastor’s excesses or
his sinful life. Members can question him in both areas. But many
believe that if you do so, you will die. That is a lie. If our God is in
Who are you to judge another man’s servant, Romans 14:4, based
on context, tells us not to judge believers by what they eat. But on
the issue of sin, 1 Corinthians 5:12 tells us to judge believers.


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