Premium English Grammar


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As an award-winning writer and teacher who has taught the
language in the classroom and in the virtual space for twelve years to learners
who have aced English certificate examinations, I wrote Premium English
Grammar to help users and learners of English who (like you) are in pursuit of

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This comprehensive grammar guide goes over each grammar-related topic with a fine-tooth comb, rather than scratching the surface. This book is a one-stop source for the grammar needs of many – students and teachers alike. Whether you are a college student struggling with poor grades in English or you are teacher in need of a fool proof textbook for your grammar class, Premium English Grammar is designed to help you achieve your grammar teaching/learning goal.



PEG is delightfully simple and exhaustive. It is a comprehensive introduction to the English language and the rudiments of teaching and learning it. It is written in an easy-to-read manner.

I wholeheartedly recommend PEG to students and teachers of the English language at all levels. I am confident they will find it an important learning resource that will broaden and deepen their knowledge of the English language.

Funmi Gaji,

Editor, Cactus Global


This is a deeply challenging but enormously valuable English Language textbook that could change your life if you do the work. Uncovering the ways in which we should disallow terrible grammar usages may be painful to discover, but ultimately powerful, enlightening and liberating. This exceptional work written by Oluyemisi is truly profound and thoroughly transformational.

Adaobi Udokwu,



Premium English Grammar is a detailed, well analysed and easy-to-read grammar textbook. Each topic treated has achievable objectives, copious examples and a recap. My love for PEG begins right from the Table of Contents. Every page adds to you. This is a highly recommended book for tutors, learners and anyone who desires a premium understanding of the English Language.


𝟓.𝟑 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐬
A verb is finite or non-finite, depending on its responsiveness to the singularity/plurality of the subject and the tense (the time expressed in the sentence). A finite verb is a verb that changes as the number of subject changes and as the time of the action changes. Study the different mutations of this sentence:
51. I 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧 my tea without sugar.
52. Sandra 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙨 her tea without sugar.
53. My late grandfather 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙙 his tea without sugar.
In Sentence 51, the subject is first person singular; the only conjugation of the verb “prefer” that can be used with the subject is the uninflected form (𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧). The subject of Sentence 52 is third person singular and the only conjugation of the verb “prefer” that is grammatically suitable for that subject is “𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙨”. Sentence 53 expresses past tense; the only conjugation of the verb “prefer” that is grammatically suitable for the subject is “𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙙”.
We can, therefore, say “prefer” is a finite verb.
Non-finite verbs do not respond to the singularity/plurality of the subject, neither do they respond to tenses. Study the variations below:
54. I love 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙭 with a bottle of Coke.
55. He loves 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙭 with a bottle of Coke.
56. You love 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙭 with a bottle of Coke.
57. My late grandfather loved 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙭 with a bottle of Coke.
Did you observe that while the verb “love” changes in response to the number of persons and time in each sentence, the verb “to relax” remains constant in all the sentences regardless of the change in subject or tense?
The verb “𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙭” is, therefore, a non-finite verb, whereas “𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚” is a finite verb. This does not, however, mean that “relax” is inherently a non-finite verb while “love” is inherently finite; it is the presence of “to” that renders “relax” non-finite.
There are three types of non-finite verbs: to-infinitive, gerund and participle.


What is a Noun?

Consider the sentences below:

① The country’s wealth belongs to the mighty.

② Dancing can make you feel better.

The underlined word (mighty) in Sentence 1 is an adjective; the underlined word (dancing) in Sentence 2 is a verb. But these two words are in those sentences as nouns. Yes, they function
in those sentences as nouns, not as an adjective and a verb. Do you want to verify? Let us attempt substituting them for words that are clearly nouns:

③ The country’s wealth belongs to the president.

④ Drugs can make you feel better.

“President (person)” and “drugs (things)” are irrefutably nouns and we have substituted them for an adjective and a verb respectively. Should we confidently say, “A noun is the name of any person, animal, place or thing” when “dancing (verb)” and “mighty (adjective)” can function as nouns? No, we shouldn’t. The point here is that words from other word classes can function as nouns.

Therefore, we simply define a
noun as a naming word. We can also say, “A noun is a name”.

Here is a tip to help you recognize a noun when you see one. A noun is that element that comes immediately after a determiner, e.g. a thief, the fence, few books.

Recall that we discussed determiners in Chapter 1. It is also important to note that a noun answers the question “who/whom/what/where”.



✔ Parts of Speech

✔ Phrases and Clauses

✔Construction of Sentences

✔Sentence Types

✔The Rules of Concord

✔Direct Speech and Reported

✔Active and Passive Voice


✔Question Tag

✔Exercises for Self Assessment

✔Sample Examination Questions
and Answers


Oluyemisi A. Adedokun-Oladejo was the winner of the 2020 African Writers Prize for Creative Nonfiction and a co-winner of the Ogun State Academic Laureate . She holds a master’s degree in English from the University of Ibadan. Her experience as a
full-time teacher of English in the classroom and in the virtual space spans 12 years. Oluyemisi has three other publications to her credit. She has facilitated several training programs for educators. She is also an ambassador for several education initiatives including the International Model United Nations, the T4 Global Teachers’ Conference and the Owlypia Global Intellectuals’ Challenge.

Oluyemisi is the lead coach at Premium English Class, an online class for candidates who desire Band 9 in IELTS.

Oluyemisi can be contacted on WhatsApp @ +2348146089500 or on gmail @ .



CHAPTER 1 – Determiners


1.1 What are Determiners?

1.2 Categories of Determiners

1.2.1 Articles

1.2.2 Demonstratives

1.2.3 Interrogatives

1.2.4 Possessives

1.2.5 Quantifiers



CHAPTER 2 – Nouns and Noun Phrases


2.1 What is a Noun?

2.2 Classification of Nouns

2.2.1 Common Nouns

2.2.2 Proper Nouns

2.2.3 Collective Noun

2.2.4 Concrete Nouns

2.2.5 Abstract Nouns

2.2.6 Compound Nouns

2.2.7 Nominalized Words

2.3 Nouns and Gender

2.4 Nouns and Cases

2.4.1 The Nominative (Subjective Case)

2.4.2 The Objective Case

2.4.3 The Possessive Case

2.5 Noun Phrase

2.5.1. The Structure of a Noun Phrase

2.5.2 The Functions of the Noun Phrase

2.6. Rules about the Use of Some Nouns



CHAPTER 3 – Pronouns


3.1 What is a Pronoun?

3.2 Types of Pronouns

3.2.1 Personal Pronouns

3.2.2 Reflexive Pronouns

3.2.3 Interrogative Pronouns

3.2.4 Demonstrative Pronouns

3.2.5 Possessive Pronouns

3.2.6 Indefinite Pronouns

3.2.7 Reciprocal Pronouns

3.2.8 Relative Pronouns

3.2.9 Distributive Pronouns

3.3 The Rules Guiding the Use of Some Pronouns Evaluation


CHAPTER 4 – Adjectives and Adjective Phrases


4.1. What is an Adjective?

4.2 Formation of Adjectives

4.3 Types of Adjectives

4.3.1 Adjective of Origin

4.3.2 Adjective of Quality

4.3.3 Adjective of Colour

4.3.4 Adjective of Size

4.3.5 Adjectives of Quantity

4.3.6. Possessive Adjectives

4.3.7 Interrogative Adjectives

4.4. Comparison of Adjectives

4.5. Non-Gradable Adjectives

4.6 Positioning of Adjectives

4.7 Ordering of Adjectives

4.8 Adjective Intensifiers

4.9 Adjective Phrases

4.9.1. The Structure of an Adjective Phrase

4.9.2 The Functions of Adjective Phrases



CHAPTER 5 – Verbs and Verb Phrases


5.1 What is a Verb?

5.2 Classification of Verbs

5.2.1 Lexical Verbs

5.2.2 Auxiliary Verbs

5.3 The Finiteness and Infiniteness of Verbs

5.3.1 To-Infinitive

5.3.2 Gerunds

5.3.3 Participle

5.4 Verbs and Moods

5.4.1 The Indicative Mood

5.4.2 The Subjunctive Mood

5.4.3 The Imperative Mood

Notes on Some Verbs

5.5 Verb Phrases

5.5.1. Finite Verb Phrase

5.5.2 Participial Phrase

5.5.3 Infinitive Phrase



CHAPTER 6 – Adverbs


6.1. What is an Adverb?

6.2. Formation of Adverbs

6.3. Gradation and Comparison of Adverbs

6.4 Adverb Phrases

6.5 Types of Adverbs and Adverb Phrases

6.6. Functions of Adverbs and Adverb Phrases Evaluation


CHAPTER 7- Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases


7.1 What is a Preposition

7.2 Categories of Prepositions

7.3 Prepositional Phrases

7.4 The Rules of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

7.5 The Functions of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

7.6 The Positions Prepositions

7.7 Types of Prepositions

7.7.1 Notes on Some Prepositions of Place



CHAPTER 8 – Conjunctions


8.1 What is a Conjunction?

8.2 Categories of Conjunctions

8.2.1 Coordinating Conjunction

8.2.2 Subordinating Conjunctions



CHAPTER 9 – Interjection


9.1 Definition

CHAPTER 10 – Clauses


10.1 What is a Clause?

10.2 Categories of Clauses

10.2.1 Main Clause

10.2.2 Subordinate Clause

10.3 Elements of a Clause

10.3.1 Subject

10.3.2 Verb

10.3.3 Object

10.3.4 Complements

10.3.5. Adverbials

10.4 Coordination of Clauses

10.5 Subordination of Clauses

10.5 Rankshifting

10.6 Clause Patterns in Examples

10.7 Types of Clauses

10.7.1 Noun Clause

10.7.2 Adjectival Clause

10.7.3 Adverbial Clause Types of Adverbial Clauses



CHAPTER 11 – The Sentence


11.1 What is a Sentence?

11.2 Forms of Sentences

11.2.1 Elliptical Sentence

11.2.2 Unfinished Sentence

11.2.3 Complete Sentence

11.3 Classification of Sentences

11.3.1 Classification of Sentences According to Structure

11.3.2 Classification of Sentences According to Functions Evaluation


CHAPTER 12 – Tense and Aspect


12.1 The Definition of a Tense

12.2 The Definition of an Aspect

12.3 Tenses and Aspects

12.3.1 The Past Tense

12.3.2 The Present Tense

12.3.3 The Future Tense

12.3.4 The Future in the Past



CHAPTER 13 – Concord


13.1 What is Concord?

13.2 The Rules of Concord

ii) Notional Concord

iii) Concord of Coordinate Subjects

iv) Double Title Concord

v) Accompaniment Concord

vi) Concord of Indefinite Pronouns

vii) Concord of Proximity

viii) Concord of Pronouns’ Antecedents

ix) Concord Relating to “More Than”

x) Concord Relating to Percentage and Fraction

xi) Concord of Pluratia Tantum

xii) Concord Relating to Time/Distance/Measurement/Money

xiii) Concord Involving “Many a”

xiv) Concord Involving “The Number of/A Number of”

xv) Concord Involving “Here/There”

xvi) Concord Involving “A lot of”

xvii) Concord Involving “A Pair of”

xviii) Concord Involving “Much of/Most of”

xix) Concord Relating to the Titles of Books/Movies

xx) Concord Relating to the Subjunctive Mood



CHAPTER 14 – Active Voice and Passive Voice Objectives

14.1 The Active Voice

14.2 The Passive Voice

14.3 Formation of the Passive Voice

14.4 The Passive Voice in Tenses

14.4.1 The Passive Voice in the Simple Past Tense

14.4.2 The Passive Voice in the Past Progressive Tense

14.4.3 The Passive Voice in the Past Perfect Tense

14.4.4 The Passive Voice in the Simple Present Tense

14.4.5 The Passive Voice in the Present Progressive Tense

14.4.6 The Passive Voice in the Present Perfect Tense

14.4.7 The Passive Voice in the Simple Future Tense

14.4.8 The Passive Voice in the Future Perfect Tense

14.5 Uses of the Passive Voice



CHAPTER 15 – Direct Speech and Reported Speech

15.1 What is a Direct Speech? What is a Reported Speech?

15.2 Points to Note When Making Reported Speeches

15.3 Reported Speech and the Different Sentence Types

15.3.1 Reporting a Declarative Sentence

15.3.2 Reporting an Interrogative Sentence

15.3.3 Reporting an Imperative Sentence

15.3.4 Reporting an Exclamatory Sentence

15.4 Mutations of Word Classes and Tenses in Reported Speeches

15.4.1 Verb Changes in Reported Speeches

15.4.2 Pronoun Changes in Reported Speeches

15.4.3 Adverb Changes in Reported Speeches

15.4.4 Tense Changes in Reported Speeches

15.5 Functions of Reported Speeches



CHAPTER 16 – Formation of Questions



16.1 Types of Questions

16.1.1 Wh-Questions

16.1.2 Yes/NO Question

16.1.3. Indirect Questions

16.1.4 Negative Questions Uses of Negative Questions

16.1.5 Question Tag 16.1.5 Rules about Question Tag

16.5.2 Contractions to Use in Question Tags



CHAPTER 17 – Sample Examination Questions

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